Lien vers l'épisode 3 de Flim A Business Proposal, Spoiler : Kang Tae Moo commence à tomber amoureux de Shin Ha-Ri ? - (2024)

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Lien vers l'épisode 3 de Flim A Business Proposal, Spoiler: Kang Tae Moo commence à tomber amoureux de Shin Ha-Ri? - (1)

Filmer une proposition commerciale()

Alifia Astika-

4 mars 2022 14:26 WIB

Sonora.ID -Corée du drameUne proposition commercialequi a été adapté d'un manga s'est avéré attirer l'attention de nombreuses parties.

Le drame, qui sera diffusé tous les lundis et mardis de chaque semaine, est définitivement très attendu par de nombreuses parties.

Surtout maintenant que l'épisode dramatique coréen passera à l'épisode 3 la semaine prochaine.

Même l'aperçu a été publié pour rendre de nombreuses personnes curieuses et attendant ce drame en cours.

Où dans l'aperçu de l'épisode 3, il montre que le visage de Kang Tae Moo commence à s'intéresser et regarde le beau visage de Shin Ha-Ri tout en étant enveloppé dans une atmosphère de feu d'artifice romantique.

A lire aussi :Montrant souvent un visage effrayant, le président de l'Ukraine s'avère être un comédien et la voix de l'ours dans le film de Paddington

Shin Ha-Ri a également été vu se voir proposer un contrat par Kang Tae Moo. Comment va le film ? Êtes-vous plus curieux de connaître leur histoire d'amour?

La suite de l'épisode 3 du drama A Business Proposal sera officiellement diffusée le lundi 7 mars 2022.

Le dernier drame coréen (Drakor), A Business Proposal, a diffusé son premier épisode le lundi 28 février 2022.

Un autre fait intéressant est que même s'il vient de diffuser son premier épisode, le film A Business Proposal a réussi à atteindre une note de 4,9%, alors que dans la zone métropolitaine, la note a pénétré 5,4%.

Le drame mettant en vedette Kim Se Jeong, Ahn Hyo Seop, Seol In Ah et Kim Min Gueini occupe les créneaux horaires du lundi et du mardi chaque semaine.

Ce programme peut être regardé à 22h00 KST ou 20h00 WIB via la chaîne de télévision SBS ou le service de streaming Netflix.

Si vous souhaitez regarder le drama A Business Proposal, vous pouvez accéder au lien suivant :"Nonton Drame Une Proposition Commerciale".

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Une proposition commerciale Lien Nonton Une proposition commerciale Film Terbaru

ÉcrivainAlifia Astika

ÉditeurAlifia Astika


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Lien vers l'épisode 3 de Flim A Business Proposal, Spoiler : Kang Tae Moo commence à tomber amoureux de Shin Ha-Ri ? - (2024)


Who does Shin Ha Ri end up with? ›

Tae-moo doesn't waste his time, and quickly proposes to Ha-ri the moment he returns from the US and she accepts!

What happens in the 3rd episode of Business Proposal? ›

In Business Proposal Episode 3, Tae-moo becomes unconscious as he falls on the ground. When he comes to his senses, he discusses the relationship contract with Ha-ri. Tae-moo tells Ha-ri that if she fails to abide by the contract, she will have to pay him 100% double the amount of the money he's offering her.

Do Ha Ri and Tae-moo end up together? ›

Under the beautiful cherry blossoms canopy, Tae-moo proposes to Ha-ri. While she teases him that she needs time to think before she says a yes, Tae-moo slips the ring on her finger. In the webtoon, the couple is shown to have tied the knot and have children as well. However, the K-drama ended with the proposal.

Who is Mr Kang in Business Proposal? ›

Her blind date is Kang Tae-Moo (Ahn Hyo-Seop). He is the CEO of the company where she works. Kang Tae-Moo is the CEO of a company that his grandfather founded. One day, his grandfather informed him of an upcoming blind date that he set up for him.

Does Ha Ri end up pregnant? ›

While Ha-ri and Yi-sang decide not to get married, it seems that they're able to conceive naturally, pretty quickly at that. They do come full circle with that epilogue, though, where Yi-sang is princess carrying Ha-ri who's in labor — for real this time. It was great, not gonna lie.

Does Ha Ri find her brother? ›

The group traveled through the school with the intention of finding Jang Ha-ri's brother, whether he was alive or dead. The group remained together until joining the other group in the gym. There, Ha-ri reunited with her brother, and her group was absorbed by the group her brother was in.

What was the ending of Business Proposal? ›

After a year of their long-distance relationship, Tae Moo comes back to Korea to visit Ha Ri. He tells her that his grandfather finally approves of their relationship and does not want him to return without proposing to her. Right then, Tae Moo takes out the ring and proposes to Shin Ha Ri.

What happened in episode 4 of Business Proposal? ›

Business Proposal Episode 4 Recap: Final Thoughts

Ha-ri tries her best to hide her true identity. She even hurt President Kang at the field to hide her face. But the truth has revealed itself in the end. We can't wait to know what Tae-moo will do now that he has learned Geum-hui's real identity.

Do they fall in love in Business Proposal? ›

While the relationship starts out frosty and uncomfortable, the couple soon grows closer until Tae-moo finds out Ha-ri's real identity. Despite feeling betrayed, Tae-moo still loves Ha-ri and they later became a couple as he told Ha-ri he knew the truth of her identity.

Did Sun Woo and Tae Oh get back together? ›

Sun Woo tells Tae Oh that it is over between the two of them and they will never get back together. Tae Oh asks his son to not end up the way he did. As the mother and son walk back to their car, Tae Oh decides to end his life right in front of them and jumps in front of a moving car.

What episode does Kang Tae-Moo find out? ›

Episode 5 of Business Proposal begins with Tae-moo standing outside Ha-ri's house and finding out about her identity as Geum-hui. Tae-moo goes over all of their interactions in his head, becoming angrier and angrier that Ha-ri deceived him.

Does Sol and Ji Wan get together? ›

Sol reassures JiWan that her feelings will never change, and from then on, the two start dating.

What happened to Tae-Moo's parents? ›

Tae-moo starts panicking, hearing his own voice crying for his parents. He drops Ha-ri off on the side of the road and drives away. He has flashbacks to seeing his parents die in a car crash in the rain. Ha-ri's phone dies, but she sees a hotel and walks toward it.

Does Ha Ri have a baby? ›

Yi-sang and Ha-ri's dreams became true after all and they can start a family like how they've always wanted. Even with the epilogue where Ha-ri and Yi-sang had their miracle baby, I liked how 'Oh My Baby' was realistic from the start and was never shy from addressing raw and relatable conversations and moments in life.

What job does Shin Ha Ri have in Business Proposal? ›

Food researcher in “A Business Proposal”

Shin Ha Ri works as a food researcher for the food development team, discovering various recipes to use for products that GO Food will be selling. Being always surrounded by food and trying out different recipes would be a great job to have – sign me up!

Who does Hari end up with in Oh My Baby? ›

Yi-sang and Ha-ri's dreams became true after all and they can start a family like how they've always wanted. Even with the epilogue where Ha-ri and Yi-sang had their miracle baby, I liked how 'Oh My Baby' was realistic from the start and was never shy from addressing raw and relatable conversations and moments in life.

Who does Sun Woo end up with in the world of the married? ›

The last episode of The World of Married saw the characters reconnecting with each other after Sun Woo and Joon Young came back to town. Je Hyuk and Ye Rim have mended all of their problems and are back together.

Who does Yumi end up with in the Kdrama? ›

It is also toward the end of the series that viewers are first introduced to assistant editor Soonrok. In the webtoon, Soonrok is the one who Yumi ends up falling in love with and marrying.

Does she was pretty have a happy ending? ›

Sung-Joon & Hye-Jin got married. Sung Joon continued to be a Chief Editor at The Most Magazine, Hye-Jin continued to be a fairytale writer – and they had a kid who looked a lot like Hye Jin! The End of She Was Pretty – Korean Drama.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.