How to wax a cutting board? - Chef's Resource (2024)

Cutting boards are an essential tool in any kitchen, as they provide a surface for food preparation while protecting your countertop. Over time, however, cutting boards can become worn out and lose their smoothness, making it difficult to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. To restore and maintain the quality of your cutting board, waxing is a recommended practice. In this article, we will explore how to wax a cutting board effectively, ensuring its longevity and functionality.


To wax a cutting board, you will need the following materials:
– Food-grade mineral oil
– Beeswax or a food-safe wax blend
– Clean cloth or paper towels
– A soft brush or cloth for application

1. **Clean and thoroughly dry the cutting board:** Before waxing, make sure your cutting board is clean and dry. Use mild soap, warm water, and a scrub brush to remove any food particles or stains. Rinse the board thoroughly and allow it to air dry completely.

2. **Apply a layer of mineral oil:** Start by applying a generous amount of food-grade mineral oil to the entire surface of the cutting board. Mineral oil helps to moisturize and condition the wood, preventing it from drying out and cracking. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to spread the oil evenly, allowing it to penetrate the wood fibers. Let the mineral oil sit on the board for several hours or overnight.

3. **Remove excess oil:** After allowing the mineral oil to absorb into the wood, wipe off any excess oil using a clean cloth or paper towel. This step ensures that the board is not overly greasy.

4. **Add a layer of wax:** Once the cutting board is free from excess oil, it’s time to apply the wax. Beeswax or a food-safe wax blend will provide a protective barrier against moisture and restore the board’s smoothness. With a soft brush or cloth, spread a thin layer of wax over the entire surface of the cutting board, including the edges and handles if applicable.

5. **Let the wax sit:** Allow the wax to sit on the cutting board for about 15-20 minutes. This time allows the wax to be absorbed by the wood and create a protective seal.

6. **Buff the cutting board:** After the wax has had time to penetrate the wood, use a clean cloth to buff the cutting board gently. This process will remove any excess wax and bring out a lustrous shine.

7. **Repeat the process:** Depending on the condition of your cutting board, you may need to repeat the waxing process periodically. Over time, the wax will wear off, so it is essential to routinely wax your cutting board to maintain its quality.


1. What is food-grade mineral oil?

Food-grade mineral oil is a colorless, odorless type of oil that is safe to use on cutting boards and other food preparation surfaces. It is derived from petroleum and is non-toxic.

2. Can I use vegetable oil instead of mineral oil?

Using vegetable oil is not recommended for waxing cutting boards, as it can turn rancid and leave a sticky residue on the board’s surface.

3. How often should I wax my cutting board?

Waxing your cutting board depends on how frequently you use it. As a general rule, it is recommended to wax your cutting board every few months to maintain its quality.

4. Can I use ordinary wax on my cutting board?

No, it is crucial to use a food-safe wax specifically designed for cutting boards. Ordinary waxes may contain harmful chemicals that can contaminate your food.

5. Can I use a spray wax?

Spray waxes are not recommended for cutting boards, as they tend to leave a thicker layer of wax, which may alter the taste or smell of your food.

6. How do I remove wax buildup?

To remove wax buildup, lightly scrape the surface of the cutting board with a plastic scraper or credit card. Then, use a cloth or paper towel to wipe away the loosened wax.

7. Can I use a hairdryer to melt the wax?

Using a hairdryer can melt the wax, but it is not recommended. The heat may damage the cutting board or cause the wax to spread unevenly.

8. Is it necessary to wax both sides of the cutting board?

While it is not necessary to wax both sides of the cutting board, it is highly recommended. Waxing both sides helps to maintain the overall balance and moisture content of the board.

9. Can I use wax on a plastic cutting board?

No, waxing is not suitable for plastic cutting boards. Wax is meant to moisturize and protect wooden boards, while plastic boards do not require the same treatment.

10. Can I use the cutting board immediately after waxing?

It is best to allow the wax to fully absorb into the wood before using the cutting board. Waiting for at least a few hours or overnight is recommended.

11. Can I use my cutting board without waxing it?

Yes, you can use your cutting board without waxing it. However, waxing helps to maintain its quality and extend its lifespan.

12. Is it safe to use waxed cutting boards?

Yes, when using food-grade mineral oil and a food-safe wax blend, waxed cutting boards are safe to use. These materials do not pose any health risks or affect the taste of your food.

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How to wax a cutting board? - Chef's Resource (2024)
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